Friday, December 28, 2007

227 Duffield one of the stories of the year

The decision to include 227 Duffield in Brooklyn's future was one of the stories of year, according to two papers.

In Whatta year!, the Brooklyn Paper says:
Free at last! The city decides against condemning Joy Chatel’s Duffield Street home, which historians believe is linked to the Underground Railroad.
In Year in review, the Amsterdam News reports:
After three years of fighting, a line of homes on Duffield Street in Brooklyn was saved from the gentrification wrecking ball because of its ties to the Underground Railroad.
Saving Duffield was a group effort, and we'd like to thank everyone for staying informed and involved. There's more to come in 2008... as long as we all chip in and donate to make it to the next step. Join the effort! Please give what you can using our new "donate" button!